
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute Labour and Economy (Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft, iaw) at the University of Bremen. There I am working on the DFG-funded project EUParadox on the effects of emigration on labour markets in countries of origin. Previously, from 2021 to 2024, I coordinated the Hans Böckler Foundation-funded doctoral programme „Gerechtigkeit durch Tarifvertrag“ at the Institute for Labour Law at Freie Universität Berlin.

Between 2017 and 2021, I wrote my doctoral thesis on the New European Labour Policy Regime at the Institute for Political Science at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen. The dissertation was published by Campus Verlag under the title: New European Labour Policy. Controversial Integration in the Euro Crisis (Neue Europäische Arbeitspolitik. Umkämpfte Integration in der Eurokrise). In it, I examined how the management of the euro crisis has led to a partial Europeanisation of labour policy. Previously, I published a book on the impact of European crisis policies on French labour market and pension policies with SpringerVS.

My research focuses on the political economy of European integration and the regulation of labour. In the past, I have mainly worked on issues of labour and social policy, collective bargaining policy and the development of employers‘ associations in Europe. I am currently researching legal struggles in and around collective labour law and the collective bargaining and legal strategies of employers‘ associations in Europe.

For recent publications click here or visit my ResearchGate-profil.

Mail: mail(at)felix-syrovatka.de
ORCID: 0000-0002-4394-7304
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